As I am sure you can all attest, it has been a long and challenging journey as we work our way through this pandemic! We truly appreciate all of the cooperation from our patients this past year and a half in helping us to follow the COVID protocols in our practice. And we also appreciate your patience with some of the changes we have had to implement. As we near the end of 2021, we still feel that this pandemic is not over as we continually get introduced to new variants - the newest one being Omicron that seems to be traveling to the US quickly. We encourage everyone that is eligible to get the vaccine and the booster when available. This only helps to protect us all from getting a serious case of COVID.
For those of you have that have been in for appointments, you have noticed that we are still taking this virus seriously and feel that it is important to keep these measures in place. Unlike any other dental office, our clinical staff is donning the use of PAPR devices as they are ultra protective and much more comfortable than the N95 respirators. We are also still following the same COVID protocols as we have from the beginning - having our patients wear masks, wait in their cars until their appointed time (or until we send them in), using the supplied hand sanitizer, running HEPA air purification devices in the rooms and filling out our screening questions ahead of the appointment.
We appreciate your continued cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions about our COVID protocols, then don't hesitate to get in touch!
Thank you and stay healthy!